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Montana 1948 by Larry Watson
Montana 1948 : Paperback : Milkweed Editions : 9781571310613 : 1571310614 : 14 Jun 2007 : \"From the summer of my twelfth year I carry a series of images more vivid and lasting than any others of my boyhood and indelible beyond all attempts the years make to erase or fade them... \" So begins David Hayden\'s story of what happened in Montana in 1948. The events of that cataclysmic summer permanently alter twelve-year-old David\'s understanding of his family: his father, a small-town sheriff; his remarkably strong mother; David\'s uncle Frank, a war hero and respected doctor; and the Haydens\' Sioux housekeeper, Marie Little Soldier, whose revelations turn the family\'s life upside down as she relates how Frank has been molesting his female Indian patients. As their story unravels around David, he learns that truth is not what one believes it to be, that power is abused, and that sometimes one has to choose between family loyalty and justice.


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