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Soul Speak by Julia Cannon
Soul Speak : Paperback : Ozark Mountain Publishing : 9781886940352 : 1886940355 : 30 Mar 2013 : Discover the secret language of the body! Every ache, pain and symptom is the body delivering a message of importance to you in its own unique language. This is a book is a translation manual that teaches you that language. The basic premise here is that we are much greater than the sum of our physical parts. We are a spiritual beings residing in a physical bodies. Hence, what we feel physically can be a manifestation of what is going on in our spirit. It is critical for our spiritual growth that we listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us. In this book you will discover what the messages from the different body systems mean and how you can heal any situation by understanding the message that is being delivered and acting appropriately on that message. This is a secret language that is now being revealed. It is no longer a mystery. Discover for yourself what YOU are trying to say to YOURSELF. Among the topics discussed: What is your body telling you? What is pain telling you? How people make themselves sick. Ways in which you can learn to heal yourself.


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