Squires Isomalt - Colourless - 125g
Squires Isomalt - Colourless - 125g
Colourless Isomalt, already tempered, so simply melt and use. This may be coloured using any gel/paste colour, 2 or more colours may be used in one mould for enhanced effect. Use in biscuit centres, moulds and silicone moulds, pulled sugar work.
Use in moulds to make edible gems (add lustre dust or sparkle if you wish), flowers, butterflies, fish on a sea or fishing themed cake, and many other shapes.
To use:-
NOTE: Isomalt gets very hot, therefore care is needed when handling. Not recommended for children.
Place quantity of isomalt into a container (one with a long handle and a small pouring lip is ideal) that will withstand a temperature of over 180 degrees. Place in microwave.
Melt in 30 second bursts until isomalt dissolves. Remove from microwave using ovenproof gloves, as it will be extremely hot.
Stir and wait for bubbling to stop, then carefully pour into desired container or mould. (Use a cocktail stick to stir out any bubbles),Or pour onto a flat heatproof surface and work it with utensils, and when cool enough, your hands.
If any part of the surface of the decoration is rough, this can be smoothed with a quick sweep of a confectionery blow torch!
High humidity may make the pieces go cloudy - this can also be remedied with a quick sweep of a blowtorch, so the finished pieces should be stored in an airtight container away from moisture (use silica gel sachets).
For biscuit centres, simply roll out the dough to the desired shape, cut out a shape from the centre, and bake as normal. Remove from oven, cool slightly, and fill centre with melted isomalt. Cool completely.
Warning: Isomalt becomes extremely hot when melted, therefore it is not recommended for use by children.
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