Deal Detail
Squires Cookie Icing Mix - 500g
Squires Cookie Icing Mix - 500g This 2 in 1 cookie icing mix is perfect for both piping and flooding your cookies and biscuits. Colourings can be added to the mix to suit your design. To Use: Add 75ml cooled, boiled water to the icing mix, and beat until a smooth stiff peak consistency is reached.  Cover with a damp cloth whilst using.  Leave for a few minutes to stand, then stir well to eliminate any air bubbles. Take a small paper icing bag with a number 1.5 or 2 nozzle and fill with 60g icing mix.  Pipe an unbroken line around the edge of the cookie. Add 45ml cooled, boiled water to the remaining icing mix and stir well. This should not be too runny, but flow sufficiently to flood the cookie and keep its shape.  Leave to stand for several minutes to allow any air bubbles to rise to the surface. Half fill another paper piping bag with this icing, and snip off the tip.  Flood the area inside the outline, using a damp brush or cocktail stick to push up to the edge and neaten. Leave to set for approx 30 mins.  


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