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Vintage Knitting
This vintage guide is based on Knitting For All, written by Margaret Murray and Jane Koster, published in 1941 - the same year in which clothes rationing was introduced. It was just one in a popular series of books written by Murray and Koster throughout the 1940s that provided not only a complete instructional guide to knitting, but also contained an assortment of patterns for the whole family. Apart from the knitting of new garments the book also focused upon the re-making and repairing of existing items, clearly reflecting the contemporary \'Make Do and Mend\' ethos. Following a quick introduction to the styles and spirit of the era, selections of their own charming knitting patterns - which typify this wartime austerity - are reproduced in their entirety in the latter part of this book. These clothes and accessories are still wearable some seventy years after they were first designed and can be easily knitted by the modern knitter (with the conversions provided). For the less experienced, and as rudimentary knitting skills have hardly changed since Knitting for All was first published, excerpts from the original \'Principles of Knitting\' chapter that provide a basic \'How To Knit\' guide are also included. Patterns for the whole family include pullovers, cardigans, socks, scarves and gloves.

£10.00 £8.42

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