Can\'t Sleep, Can\'t Train, Can\'t Stop
Continuing Andy\'s inspirational journey from where Can\'t Swim, Can\'t Ride, Can\'t Run left off, a chronicle of his attempt to complete two Ironman triathlons six weeks apart A 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile run make the Ironman triathlon one of the hardest one-day endurance challenges on the planet. Now take those events and transfer them to a volcanic rock with cruel winds, searing sun, rough seas, and nosebleed-inducing hills, and you have Ironman Lanzarote. Why, then, would Andy Holgate&;who admittedly has never swum in the sea, who can\'t cope with the wind, sun, or even stairs&;take on such an extreme challenge? Simple: because he can. Already in his 40th year, would Andy make it to his 41rst? Would Lanzarote prove one triathlon too far&;or will Andy succeed against the odds and live to swim, ride, and run another day?
£12.99 £10.64
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