In his mission to help people attain what he felt was their greatest gift, Leo Buscaglia famously developed a university course on love. This remarkable volume was the result of the interactions of students in his course. Here is what he found love is really about . . . If you feel something, let people know that you feel. Love is like a mirror. When you love others you become their mirror and they become yours. Real love always creates, it never destroys. One does not fall \"in\" or \"out\" of love. One grows in love. Love is open arms. If you close your arms about love, you will find that you are left holding only yourself. Love is for everybody who has ever reached out to touch the heart of another. Praise for Love: \"A fantastic, well written, magical, wonderful book on love. I loved it! This book would make the perfect gift for anyone who needs cheering up. Leo is the master of positivity!\" \"This is hands down one of my favorite books... My hunch is you\'ll fall in Love with Love as well. By the end of reading it, you\'ll wish you could give Leo Buscaglia-a former Professor of Love at USC-a big ol\' hug.\" \"This book always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I\'ve read it numerous times and each time I find something else to Love about it.\" \"Everyone should read, no make that study Leo\'s books. This book opened my eyes and softened my heart. Anyone who reads it with an open mind will find themselves transformed.\" \"This book is the real life guidebook on love.\"
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