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Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations
This book discusses the computational approach in modern statistical physics in a clear and accessible way and demonstrates its close relation to other approaches in theoretical physics. Individual chapters focus on subjects as diverse as the hard sphere liquid, classical spin models, single quantum particles and Bose-Einstein condensation. Contained within the chapters are in-depth discussions of algorithms, ranging from basic enumeration methods to modern Monte Carlo techniques. The emphasis is on orientation, with discussion of implementation details kept to a minimum. Illustrations, tables and concise printed algorithms convey key information, making the material very accessible. The book is completely self-contained and graphs and tables can readily be reproduced, requiring minimal computer code. Most sections begin at an elementary level and lead on to the rich and difficult problems of contemporary computational and statistical physics. The book will be of interest to a wide range of students, teachers and researchers in physics and the neighbouring sciences. An accompanying CD allows incorporation of the book\'s content (illustrations, tables, schematic programs) into the reader\'s own presentations.


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