Know Your Parenting Personality
Knowing yourself helps your child Are you a Helper or an Organizer? A Dreamer or an Entertainer? Nomatter which of the personality types on the Enneagram you are,this groundbreaking system gives you the vision to see the world asyour child sees it-and the power to use this vision to achieve allof your parenting goals. Know Your Parenting Personality helps you discover how yourpersonality motivates the way you behave as a parent and how yourchild\'s personality interacts with your own. As an expert onpersonality, Janet Levine has pioneered a new understanding of theEnneagram based on hundreds of interviews with parents. You\'lllearn how to recognize your greatest parenting strengths andweaknesses and how to free yourself to become a true guide andmentor to your child. This invaluable parenting guide helpsyou: * Establish stronger connections with your child * Eliminate self-defeating behavior patterns * Deepen parent--child communication * Reduce stress in your home * Gain self awareness and identify your parenting strengths * Support the flowering of your child\'s personality Read Know Your Parenting Personality and become the parent youalways wanted to be.
£15.97 £15.74
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