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Trader Vic II
The man Barron\'s dubbed \"the ultimate Wall Street pro\" returns witha stunning follow-up to his bestselling Trader Vic--Methods of aWall Street Master (\"The best investment book of 1992\"--The StockTrader\'s Almanac). Take an advanced class in his patented tradingand investment philosophy and learn how the master makes betterinvestment decisions . . . deciphers economic theories and usesthem to predict investment outcomes . . . cuts through the lies,fallacies, and distortions that muddle and confound trading andinvestment decision making . . . and much more! What the experts said about Trader Vic--Methods of a Wall StreetMaster . . . \"Victor Sperandeo is gifted with one of the finest minds I know. Nowonder he\'s compiled such an amazing record of success as a moneymanager. Every investor can benefit from the wisdom he offers inhis new book. Don\'t miss it!\" --Paul Tudor Jones, Tudor InvestmentCorporation. \"Here\'s a simple review in three steps: 1. Buy this book! 2. Readthis book! 3. See step 2. For those who can\'t take a hint, VictorSperandeo with T. Sullivan Brown has written a gem, a book of valuefor everyone in the markets, whether egghead, novice, or seasonedspeculator.\" --John Sweeney, Technical Analysis of Stocks andCommodities. \"Get Trader Vic--Methods of a Wall Street Master by VictorSperandeo, read it over and over and you\'ll never have a losingyear again.\" --Yale Hirsch, Smart Money.


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