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100 Greatest Cycling Climbs of the Tour de France
Following the successful format of the 100 Greatest Cycling Climbs series, Simon Warren rides, photographs, describes, maps and profiles the 100 greatest climbs of the Tour de France. Simon`s previous three books have combined sales of over 35,000 copies; this is the first of his books with truly global appeal. There is no bigger sporting event than the Tour de France and every cyclist around the world one day dreams of taking part or riding on the same roads the great event uses. Published in the same unique `cycling jersey pocket sized` format as Simon`s earlier books, this will be his longest book to date, with each climb given a full spread. There have been large format illustrated books on the hills of the tour published in the past, but none in such a portable format, and none which so vividly describes the experience of cycling these hills from the point of view of an amateur cyclist.


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