Eve Williams is about to discover just how the other half really live ...Above stairs: Lord Netherwood keeps his considerable fortune ticking over with the profits from his three coal mines in the vicinity. It`s just as well the coal is of the highest quality as the upkeep of Netherwood Hall, his splendid estate on the outskirts of town, doesn`t come cheap. And that`s not to mention the cost of keeping his wife and daughters in the latest fashions-- and keeping the heir, the charming but feckless Tobias, out of trouble.Below stairs: Eve Williams, is the wife of one of Lord Netherwood`s most stalwart employees. When her ordered existence amid the terraced rows of the miners` houses is brought crashing down by the twin arrivals of tragedy and charity, Eve must look to her own self-sufficiency, and talent, to provide for her three young children. And it`s then that `upstairs` and `downstairs` collide in truly dramatic fashion...
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