Damn You, Autocorrect!
Damn You, Autocorrect! brings together some of the laugh-out-loud funny and painfully embarrassing posts from the hit website, which highlight the hilarity that often ensues when text messaging goes wrong: girlfriends getting together for `manila penis,`(mani pedis); a husband texting his wife that he `laid` the babysitter (paid); a friend asking if someone got tickets to the `Lady Vagina` (Lady Gaga) concert, and the most popular image on the website so far: a father texting his daughter that he and his mother were going to divorce, when they were in fact just going to Disney. Oops. The phenomenally successful Damnyouautocorrect.com began when author Jillian Madison innocently tried to invite some friends over for gelato. Autocorrect, however, had another idea, and asked them over for a night of `fellatio` instead. And that`s just the tip of the iceberg. Damn You, Autocorrect! includes 200 never before seen submissions to the website, as well as an introduction from the author and website creator, Jillian Madison.
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