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Our Man in Hibernia: Ireland, the Irish & Me
If you think you know Ireland, this book will make you think again. Each year on St Patrick`s Day the eighty million people around the world claiming Irish ancestry celebrate their spiritual homeland. Millions more don leprechaun hats and swallow pints of Guinness in an annual global high-fiving of all things Irish. Charlie Connelly was one of them. As a Londoner claiming Irish roots he thought he knew what Ireland was all about. Then, when he was least expecting it, he went to live there. Our Man In Hibernia follows Charlie`s adventures living among the Irish. In an engaging and frequently hilarious tale - we learn how a tree stump can draw legions of visitors from across the land and why being on a pig`s back is a desirable thing - Charlie contrasts the cliched shamrock-strewn image with the reality of life in modern Ireland.


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