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A Little Lumpen Novelita
`Now I am a mother and a married woman, but not long ago I led a life of crime`: so Bianca begins her tale of growing up the hard way in Rome in A Little Lumpen Novelita. Orphaned overnight as a teenager - `our parents died in a car crash on their first vacation without us` - she drops out of school, gets a crappy job, sees a terrible brightness at night, and drifts into bad company. Her little brother brings home two petty criminals who need a place to stay. As the four of them share the family apartment and plot a strange crime, Bianca learns she can drift lower ...Electric and tense with foreboding, with its jagged, propulsive short chapters beautifully translated by Natasha Wimmer, A Little Lumpen Novelita - one of the last novels Roberto Bolano published - delivers a surprising, fractured fairy tale of taking control of one`s fate.


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