There Was an Old Geezer Called Caesar: A History of the World in 100 Limericks
There is a young fellow named Mick Who`s adapted the old limerick To cover, with mirth The whole history of Earth And what made its characters tick. There Was An Old Geezer Called Caesar is 100 lively and humorous limericks that take us back to before the beginning of time itself and right up until yesterday evening when you were probably making your dinner. Covering everyone`s favourite history lessons (and a few suprising ones too!), Mick Twister has cleverly raided the tomes of the past, picked at the bones of the world`s greatest figures, moments and events and condensed the most complex of human activities into five funny rib-tickling lines for your amusement. Who ever said that history was boring, had clearly never read this book! Word count: 15,000
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