Deal Detail
Caribsea Aragamud 13.63Kg Marine Reef Substrate
A unique blend of Aragonite and other minerals for use in your sumps and refugiums. Ideal substrate for a marine reef or African Cichlids, helpint to remove Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia and other fish waste. Unsurpassed buffering capability: Keep more fish and invertebrates healthier, longer! Precision grading and enhanced internal surface area allows CaribSea Aragonite to deliver more calcium carbonate buffer and essential trace elements than any other substrate. Creates a natural biological balance to discourage nuisance algae growth with a grain size ideal for reef tanks, fish aquariums, plenum systems and refugiums. Colourful accents add natural beauty to any marine aquarium which never needs replacement: CaribSea Aragonite works with natural bacteria to enhance performance over the full life of the system. Feature: Maximum surface area up to 10,000 square inches of surface area per cubic inch. High uniformity coefficient prevent biofouling. Supports the proper pH of sea water (8.2) with the fastest reaction time. Elements:Calcium (Ca) 381,000 ppm, Carbonate Buffer (CO3) 590,000 ppm, Strontium (Sr) 7,390 ppm, Magnesium (Mg) 1,050 ppm, Molybdenum (Mo) 56 ppm, Potassium (K) 56 ppm, Barium (Ba), Lithium (Li), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Beryllium Sulfur (S), Aluminum (Al), Selenium (Se), Bromine (Br), and Boron (B).


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