Arcadia Eco-Aqua Aquarium Light Mounting Frame 570-714mm
The Arcadia Eco-Aqua aquarium mounting frame consists of a pair of telescopic struts which mount inside the hood of a conventional rectangular, frame-top aquarium.
The mounting legs support the installation of multiple Eco-Aqua lamps and the position of the lamps is fully adjustable.
Three versions are available to suit different aquarium widths:
Small frame is suitable for aquariums from 300mm to 426mm wide and holds up to four Eco-Aqua Lamps
Medium frame is suitable for aquariums from 426 to 570mm and holds up to five Eco-Aqua Lamps
Large frame is suitable for aquariums from 570mm to 714mm wide and holds up to six Eco-Aqua Lamps
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