Pass Guard At Ypres
A platoon of inexperienced British soldiers crosses to France; they find themselves at Ypres where the battle-weary Allied troops are dug in, and slaughter surrounds them. With their young, upright officer Freddy Mann, they are soon in the thick of it, burying the dead, experiencing the terror of bombardment, being picked off by snipers, with some unable to cope and refusing to go over the top. Freddy goes from being an idealistic officer barely out of school, to battle-hardened cynic, hanging on as those around him are cut down, maimed or crack. Suffering a crisis of faith, he loses belief in the war and everything he once stood for . . . Product Information: • ISBN: 9781612004112 • Author: Ronald Gurner • Publisher: Casemate Publishers • Format: Paperback • Pages: 242 • Dimensions: 18.8 x 12.95 x 1.52 cm
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