Deal Detail
Ritzenhoff My Darling Mugs Kathrin Stockebrand 2017
First Introduced in 2000, the Ritzenhoff My Darling Collection of Tea or Coffee Mugs are a designer, quirky take with sunny, bright imagery. The Gift box is an integral part of the design. As with all products, Ritzenhoff commission creative artists and designers from around the World to create designs, normally on a theme. In this instance they seem to have pretty much a Carte Blanche brief! I do not know about you but I get really possessive about my Coffee Mug and I know that the girls on the shop floor and in the offices are attached to theirs too. It is almost a bereavement when it goes missing or gets broken and woe betide anyone who is using someone else\'s Mug! So quirky and distinctive are the Ritzenhoff My Darling mugs that ones passion to protect and look after them is even greater. If your Mug gets nicked or broken don\'t despair as new designs are introduced every year, it is always best to have a couple of reserves anyway.


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